MCC fosters a culture of inclusion where every single person is respected and where their contributions are valued. MCC believes its people are its strongest asset. The company has built a diverse and dynamic team that thrives sharing ideas and working towards a common goal. MCC emphasizes educating its team to strengthen its relationships and its business, believing its counterparties want to do business with those who truly understand their business and their needs.
MCC is an international organization and a multicultural company, with 130 employees spread out through offices in the United States, Peru, Guyana, and Africa, 31 agents and more than 100 consultants and contractors in various locations around the world. At MCC, at least eight languages are spoken daily, and more than a dozen nationalities are represented throughout the organization. MCC is also committed to narrowing the gender bias and as of end of year 2023, 58% of the managers at MCC were women.
As a condition to doing business with MCC, all suppliers are required to adhere to MCC’s Supplier Code. This Supplier Code is an extension of MCC’s global business practices and emphasizes the foundation of the company’s utmost commitment to responsible sourcing. It defines the standards that MCC requires its suppliers to adhere to when conducting business with MCC and by extension, the implementation of a similar policy and risk-based due diligence process over their own supply chains.
The requirements to which suppliers must adhere to are based on internationally recognized standards, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UN Global Compact Principles and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Rights and Principles at Work, as well as the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.
MCC strives to establish and build respectful relationships with local stakeholders and communicates openly to understand and address any local and regional concerns. MCC enables stakeholders within local communities to raise concerns that pertain to their business activities, with the aim of building stronger relationships and a better understanding of what is important to those communities and how to be a meaningful contributor to them.
MCC is committed to providing a safe, secure, and healthy work environment for its employees, contractors, suppliers, and other third parties, and to avoid adverse impact to the environment and the communities in which business is conducted. MCC works to improve its commercial, social, and environmental performance, in alignment with its standard business practices.
MCC respects the human rights of all individuals impacted by its operations, including Indigenous Peoples, employees, contractors, and external stakeholders. Respect for human rights is fundamental to MCC’s business practices and the sustainability of the communities in which it operates. MCC believes everyone deserves to be treated with fairness and dignity and therefore, the company acts in accordance with the principles established by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance on Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals (OECD Guidelines).
MCC recognizes that its business practices directly impact the environment it operates in and actively seeks opportunities to reduce its environmental footprint. MCC aims to protect and conserve land, air, water, biodiversity, and energy resources. As such, it works with suppliers that measure and minimize the environmental impact of their facilities and operations, including air and greenhouse gas emissions, water, contamination and waste on the environment and community.